We have really been enjoying our Random Acts of Christmas Kindness project! Last Thursday we went out to eat with our friend Tara, who was visiting from out of town. I wanted to pay for someone else, but the check process at the restaurant where we were made that a little complicated. So Tara suggested giving our server a huge tip. It was a great idea! We paid on our way out, and I gave the green RACK card to the cashier and asked her to give it to our server. Once she realized what was happening, she was happy to be part of it. Here’s a photo of Tara and the kids at the restaurant . . .
The next day, we went to the mall to double-up on RACK projects since I didn’t think we’d have time to do something over the weekend. We went to see Santa, and I bought a picture just so I could have time at the cash register. I handed the cashier cash to pay for the person behind me in line, along with one of our RACK cards. When she read the card, she had tears in her eyes. Then we hurried away as she turned her attention to the person behind us, who was prepared with a baby in a Santa dress. 🙂
Next we headed to the food court for lunch. At Chick-fil-a, I gave the cashier two $10 bills and two of our RACK cards and asked him to treat a couple of people to lunch. Apparently they do this at the Chick-fil-a drive-thru quite a bit, but the counter can be a little more difficult. But I realized at this point in our RACK project that I was bringing joy to all my accomplices as they got to pass along good news and surprise the recipients of our RACK. I love that part of it!
Today was one of our most fun RACK projects so far. We met friends at the post office and handed out candy canes to the people standing in line. The first woman that Will handed a candy cane to was so excited that she gave him a huge hug. We even saw Nana there! (She strategically planned her post office trip when she heard candy canes were being handed out at 11:30. 🙂 ) The kids seemed to have a lot of fun handing them out, and I like to think we improved the mood of that long line just a little bit. This project took about 15 minutes and only a few dollars worth of candy canes–it will definitely become a family tradition!
Finally, my RACK for my kids in celebration of Christmas break . . . Christmas Crunch!
Now get out there and spread some Christmas joy! More updates to come . . .
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