Nothing to Do But Pray {Guest post for enCourage}
Last week I shared an article on the enCourage blog, a blog for the women's ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Here's a preview . . . It was around 4:45 a.m. when ...

An Update Regarding Monday Devotionals
I can still remember the moment in February 2016 when I had an idea. Back when I was diagnosed with cancer, the phone call came on a Monday. I knew how quickly a week could ...

Jesus Christ Reigns
The election was still two weeks away, but the line snaked around the building as I stood with other early voters, wearing masks and spaced six feet apart. While a pandemic raged around us, we ...

Healed by His Wounds
Years ago at my son’s 4-year-old checkup, his pediatrician asked if he had any chores. He replied that he didn’t have any chores, but he had a job and a problem. That got the attention ...