My daughter stared up at the snow-covered Rocky Mountains rising above her. Her small voice said what the rest of us were thinking: “Whenever I see the mountains around me, I feel so small.”
Often the challenges in our lives feel like mountains and make us feel small. What mountains are you facing today? Maybe it’s an assignment at work that goes beyond your expertise. Maybe it’s sleepless nights with an infant followed by exhausting days chasing a toddler. Maybe it’s a relationship that just gets worse no matter how hard you try to reconcile.
Where do you turn when your problems are like giant mountains you can’t conquer? How do you even begin when because you feel overwhelmed and underprepared?
When the stresses of life are looming, remember these words from Psalm 121:
“I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)
When you look at those mountains and see your smallness, remember the limitless One who created all things. The snow-covered mountains, the depths of the ocean, the infant knitted in his mother’s womb . . . everywhere around us, God is giving us a glimpse of His power, goodness, and might.
The God who raised those mountains from the ground? He’s planned my future.
The Lord who holds the ocean depths in the palm of His hand? He loves me with an everlasting love.
My Father who knit me together in my mother’s womb? Every cell in my body answers to Him.
When you see the mountain before you and cry out to the Lord for help, you are depending on the One created the universe and upholds it by His will. He has promised to be your Helper and your Deliverer. He can keep all His promises because He rules over all that He has made. Let the wonders of His creation remind you of His power and might at work in your life and in your circumstances.
No matter what you face this week, your help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth.
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