For me personally, “No Matter What Monday” was meant for weeks like this.
Later this week, I will walk into the oncology clinic where I spent many hours back in 2010-11. I will have imaging tests of my chest and abdomen, and then I’ll wait to hear whether or not the doctors see evidence of a cancer recurrence.
I wish I could tell you I’m not afraid. I’d love to inspire you with the strength of my faith in God’s plans, whatever they may be.
But the truth is that I’m scared. I struggle to rest in God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. This week I’ll come face-to-face with the reality of my medical history, my mortality, and the weakness of my faith.
Maybe this is a big week for you, too. Maybe you’re wrestling with unknowns in your life, unfulfilled longings, or unending struggles. Dear friend, how can we have peace today as we look ahead at a challenging week?
I find comfort in these words from seminary professor and author, Dr. Dale Ralph Davis: “It is not so much great faith in God that is required as faith in a great God” (No Falling Words, p. 122).
Isn’t that freeing? Nothing depends on the greatness of my faith. It all depends on the greatness of God.
The apostle Paul said it this way: “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:9b).
This is great news when my faith falters. God doesn’t require great faith from us. He brings all the greatness that is required. His goodness never falters or fails. His grace covers all the weakness of our faith.
No matter what, our hope isn’t in our great faith but in our great God.
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