Eleven years ago today, I woke up on a Monday morning expecting a phone call that might change everything. When the call came, the news was worse than I had imagined. I had a rare cancer I’d never heard of, and it came with a grim prognosis.
As I look back on that day and the months of treatment that followed, there are so many overwhelming memories and emotions. But more than anything, what stands out is God’s faithful provision. When my needs became extreme, His provision grew even more extreme.
God lavishly provided for our tangible needs with friends who fed us for months, an incredible nanny who sacrificed to care for our kids, a home away from home in Houston, and even the use of a private plane for our first trip to MD Anderson Cancer Center. God also provided peace, comfort, and confidence. I knew that He who rescued me from death and gave me eternal life would be with my family and me at every single moment.
That’s why Romans 8:32 is one of my favorite verses:
“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)
God didn’t make an empty promise to provide for us. He proved it. Paul makes an argument here from the greater to the lesser. If God has sacrificed that which was most costly to Him—His own Son—we can have confidence that He will give us all the lesser things we need.
Do you wonder if God will give you strength to face your suffering? Do you wonder if God will give you wisdom in your pressing dilemma? Do you wonder if God will give you forgiveness and mercy when you keep falling short? Look at the cross of Jesus and know that He will give you all this and more.
God did not spare His own Son. He gave Him up for you. Because God is all-powerful and in control, He is able to provide for you. Because God is faithful and loves you, He can be trusted to keep His promise to provide.
No matter what you face this week, God will provide everything you need.