I’m thrilled to be contributing to the First 5 app of Proverbs 31 Ministries. Today I shared a teaching on Psalm 115. Here’s a sneak peek . . . You can read the rest of it here, or download the app to join in this study of the Psalms!
Psalm 115:11 (ESV) “You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield.”
On a spring morning during my senior year of college, I wept in my professor’s office as the identity I spent my life building tumbled to the floor. I’d always been a star student, but my senior research project didn’t go as planned. I wouldn’t graduate with honors, and I was crushed.
The pain of that moment remains poignant two decades later because I still struggle with making idols of my reputation, my accomplishments and my gifts. But God’s Word shows us the truth about these shaky foundations. In Psalm 115, we see the danger of trusting what our hands have made rather than trusting the Lord who made us.
Appreciated this teaching so much! Especially the More Moments section on how to glorify God and the results of being concerned for our own glory. Thank you for you obedience to write truth.
Thank you so much, Lori! I appreciate your encouragement!