I knew January 1st wouldn’t magically change anything. I’ve left 2020 behind, but I woke up last Friday with the same pandemic, the same struggles, the same fears, and the same temptations. I didn’t become happier, holier, peaceful, or more disciplined overnight. That first workout of the year didn’t immediately reverse the effects of several months of baking.
So maybe the problem wasn’t the date on the calendar—maybe the problem is me. What brings me joy? What am I clinging to? The year 2020 revealed a lot about the answers to these questions, and it wasn’t always pretty. If you’re in the same boat, I’ve got good news. Psalm 63 teaches us that when we seek the Lord, we will be satisfied in Him.
“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.” (Psalm 63:1-2)
The God who is our God is the only one who will satisfy the longing of our souls. David earnestly seeks God; he thirsts for God; he longs to be in the sanctuary, worshipping with the people of God. Do I want the same?
Am I more disappointed by how the pandemic robbed me of vacations or how it disrupted our ability to meet together with other Christians? When I look ahead to 2021, am I hopeful that I will have more fun? Or do I long to be in the sanctuary with my church family, worshipping God, encouraging each other, and serving together?
There’s no guarantee that 2021 won’t be just as disappointing as our old friend 2020. Many of us are weary. We’re discouraged and longing for normalcy. We won’t find answers by chasing entertainment, distraction, or control. But when we seek the Lord and turn our eyes upon His power and glory, He will be our peace, our joy, and our strength. His steadfast love will never fail.
No matter what you face this week, the Lord your God will be like water for your dry, weary soul.
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