We’re continuing in our study of Ezekiel over at First 5, and today is my turn to share from Ezekiel 38. Here’s a preview:
Ezekiel 38:23 (ESV) “So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”
The game was almost over, and it looked like our Lady Bulldogs would repeat as high school basketball state champions. My friends and I stood in the stands, eager to celebrate our classmates’ victory. We held a banner that proclaimed “State Champions 1993” with the end rolled to hide the “and 1994” until it was official.
But just when victory seemed to be in our grasp, our opponents tied the game, and it went into overtime. The score went back and forth for a record-setting eight overtimes. We stood with our rolled banner through each one, thinking seven more times that victory was ours, only to see the game continue. The wait only made our joy that much sweeter when the buzzer sounded and we celebrated our team’s victory by finally unrolling our banner.
Today, as I look at the troubled world around me, I long for God’s victory celebration. In Ezekiel 38, along with another description of this battle in Revelation 20:7-10, we get a glimpse of the moment when God will be revealed as the victorious conqueror over all His enemies. God clearly declares His power, purposes and plans in this prophecy.
If you’d like to continue reading, head over to First 5 for the rest of the teaching, or download the First 5 app and join us in our study!
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