Am I the only mom who hates Chutes and Ladders? It’s the board game that never ends! You finally get your cardboard kid up to the 80s or 90s, and then you hit that giant chute back to the bottom. You might get lucky and hit a ladder or two along the way. But if everyone keeps hitting those chutes, you start to wonder if anyone will ever win the game and put you out of your misery!
Maybe, like me, you feel that way about the Christian life sometimes. You start to make a little progress exercising self-control over your thoughts or your actions, but then you mess up. You practice kindness and gentleness with your family for a couple of days, but it doesn’t last and your temper erupts. You dig into God’s Word or sit with Him in prayer for a few mornings in a row but then go back to hitting the snooze button.
Little ladders up, giant chutes down.
“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” (Psalm 138:8)
Today’s Scripture brings comfort to our chute-like moments. The Lord will fulfill His purpose for you as He conforms you to the image of Christ. (Romans 8:29) Yes, there will be ups and downs. There will be mistakes with consequences. There will be successes that seem short-lived. But because of the Lord’s steadfast love for you, He will not forsake the work of His hands. And you are the work of His hands.
God has saved you by His grace, and He’s sanctifying you today as you grow in Christlikeness. Through all the ladders and slides, each and every one of His purposes for you will be fulfilled. He can even bring His purposes about as we sit on our bottoms at the end of a chute. Even there, His grace will find us.
No matter what you face this week, the Lord will fulfill His purpose for you.
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