Today I’m sharing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5 app. Here’s a preview . . .
Isaiah 2:11 (ESV) “The haughty looks of man shall be brought low, and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled, and the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.”
Ever since the tower of Babel, people have been striving to be the best. We seek to align ourselves with those who are powerful, victorious or wealthy. We chase after beauty, success, possessions or the perfect family, trying to elevate ourselves in others’ eyes. We’re sometimes tempted to stake our claim in the highest tower and look down on others.
But in Isaiah 2, we see the highest position permanently occupied by a party of one: the Lord our God.
In Isaiah’s time, people found their security in political alliances, military might, wealth and the favor of pagan gods. (Isaiah 2:6-8) God, through His prophet Isaiah, wants His people to know that none of these will last. (Isaiah 2:11) The repeated image of men cowering in caves gives a sobering picture of the end of our worldly achievements. (Isaiah 2:10, 19, 21)
When human pride encounters God’s power, God alone is exalted. All our reasons for boasting will come to an end. Trust in idols, alliances and riches ends in complete devastation. (Isaiah 2:17-21)
The Hebrew word translated in Isaiah 2 as “exalted” is שָׂגַב (sa. gav) and carries the connotation of being raised up to an inaccessible and unattainable level. God is elevated far above everything else in the heavens and the earth. Here are a few of the ways we see God exalted in Isaiah 2 . . .
To read the rest of the teaching, head over to First 5. And while you’re there, be sure to download the First 5 app so you can follow along through the rest our study of Isaiah with the First 5 team!
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