Today I’m sharing in the First 5 app’s study of Revelation. Here’s a preview . . .
Today’s Reading: Revelation 14:1-13
Revelation 14:1 (ESV) “Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.”
In our home, we have a weekly event called the “laundry party.” I gave it this name years ago to try to trick my kids into thinking that putting away clean laundry is fun. If you look at the laundry party through my eyes, it’s a blast. The clothes get put away, and I’m not the one doing it – hooray! But from my kids’ perspective, the laundry party is a dreaded chore. In laundry and in life, the way we view an event depends on our perspective.
We find shifts in perspective throughout the book of Revelation. There is a great drama unfolding on earth and a great drama unfolding in heaven. John gets to see it all, and through this vision recorded for us, we get to share John’s vantage point. From our current perspective, we easily relate to the turmoil of this world. In the book of Revelation, we see the glory of heaven.
Did you sense the dread John must have felt at the end of Revelation 13? The dragon and the beasts seem to be in charge, and the depiction of events on the earth is horrific. But then John turned his eyes to Jesus. (Revelation 14:1) The vision John beheld gives encouragement to suffering Christians in all times and places. As chaos swirls, God’s redeemed are secure, sealed and singing of Christ’s salvation.
Click here to finish reading today’s teaching – and we’d love to have you join us in the app as we continue our study of Revelation!
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