I’m sharing about Christ’s triumphal entry in the First 5 app today. Here’s a preview . . .
Today’s Reading: John 12
John 12:13 (ESV) “So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel! ‘”
“Click, click, click . ..” My anticipation built as the roller coaster inched its way skyward at a terrifying angle. As we climbed the hill, I looked forward to the thrill on the other side. Would the drop give us momentum for loops or corkscrews? Or would we fly over another hill and drop again?
We crested the top of the peak, and I could finally see what was ahead. After a short drop, the track leveled, and sadly, the drop didn’t live up to the hype of the climb. Like many things in life, this roller coaster didn’t turn out at all how I expected.
Following Jesus during His final week in Jerusalem might have felt much like a disappointing roller coaster ride. As Jesus and His disciples made their way over the Mount of Olives and descended the hill to the gates of Jerusalem, a crowd gathered in enthusiastic expectation. They waved palm branches and cried “Hosanna!” to their King. For a thousand years, God’s people had waited for another king like David. Now they wondered if their waiting was finally coming to an end.
John tells us that this crowd assembled because they heard about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. (John 12:18) They expected that Jesus could do something powerful for them. But they had no idea how powerful His deliverance truly was. They didn’t understand that their deliverance would come through His death.
I hope you’ll head over to First 5 to read the rest of the teaching, or download the app and join us in our study of 40 days through the Bible!
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