I’m sharing over at First 5 today about Christ’s resurrection as we make our way through a study of 40 days through the Bible. Here’s a preview . . .
Today’s Reading: Luke 24
Luke 24:6a (ESV) “He is not here, but has risen.”
I’ll never forget the look of joy on his adorable 3-year-old face when he heard the news. One morning during breakfast, my son Christopher started asking questions about Jesus. He knew that Jesus died on the cross for his sins, but apparently there were gaps in his knowledge. When I mentioned that Jesus rose from the dead, his eyes grew wide and he exclaimed, “Jesus is alive?!?!” He clapped his hands exuberantly and shouted, “Yaaaaaay!”
For most adults, the good news of the resurrection doesn’t surprise us anymore. When we read about the women on their way to Jesus’ tomb with their spices, we know what they’ll find. So I think we miss the enormity of the plot twist in this passage.
What if Luke 24 was a description of the women caring for the dead body of Jesus? What if Cleopas’ narrative of Jesus as a crucified prophet was the end of the story? (Luke 24:19-20)
If Jesus is still in the grave, our faith is worthless. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of our Christian faith because our salvation depends on the tomb being empty. (1 Corinthians 15:14) These seven words change everything: “He is not here, but has risen” (Luke 24:6a). Jesus is alive!
I hope you’ll head over to First 5 and check out the rest of today’s teaching or download the app and join us as we continue our study!
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