Today I have the privilege of sharing a teaching from Exodus 23-24 in the First 5 app. Here’s a preview:
Today’s Reading: Exodus 23:20-24:18
Exodus 24:8 (ESV) “And Moses took the blood and threw it on the people and said, ‘Behold the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words. ‘”
When I was a kid, the most serious best friends proved it by becoming “blood sisters.” We’d take a safety pin and jab our index fingers until the tiniest spots of blood appeared, then rub our fingers together to intermingle the blood and establish ourselves as sisters forever. While I don’t recommend this for obvious safety and health reasons, the act of shedding blood added weight to the promise in our eyes.
In today’s passage, God confirmed His covenant with the Israelites by having Moses throw the blood of oxen on the altar and on the Israelites. (Exodus 24:3-8) Throughout the Bible, God established His relationship with His people through covenants that involved promises and obligations. (Genesis 17:1-11; Jeremiah 31:31-32; Luke 22:20) This covenant with Moses and the Israelites demonstrated God’s faithfulness, mercy and glory.
You can read the rest of the teaching over at First 5 or join us for the rest of our study of Exodus by downloading the First 5 app!
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