When I look back on my kids’ newborn days, I don’t remember a lot of sleeping, except one situation: the post-car ride slumber. We could strap them into their infant carrier, drive to a restaurant, put the baby in the booth with us (still nestled in the carrier), and enjoy a long, relaxing dinner. It didn’t matter what chaos was going on in the restaurant around us, our baby would peacefully snooze through it all.
I wish I had the ability to nap in any setting, but even more than that, I long for a peaceful, calm spirit in the midst of a chaotic world. The kind of peace that allowed Jesus to be asleep in the boat in the middle of a storm (Mark 4:37-38). The peace that faces turbulence with hope, joy, and trust in our Savior.
That peace is only found in Jesus, who said:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Jesus promised us His peace. This peace is different than any peace the world has to offer. The world’s peace is tentative and temporary. Jesus’s peace is steadfast and eternal, because it is rooted in the character and purposes of God.
When Jesus gives us His peace, we don’t have to be troubled or afraid. We can be calm in the midst of chaos because we belong to the One who rules over all things. We are secure in His faithful hands.
How do we get this peace? When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, He was explaining to them that He was going away and the Father would send the Holy Spirit. He told them that the Spirit would “teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26).
The Spirit reminds us of God’s promises that we receive in Christ Jesus. He gives us peace that only comes from Him. This peace is available to us every moment of every day, because God’s Spirit lives in us. This is the only peace that will carry us calmly through the chaos.
No matter what you face this week, Jesus offers you His perfect peace.
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