Where does your hope come from?
I know the Sunday school answer to this question is “Jesus.” But I also know my own heart and my tendency to want something more tangible in which to place my hope.
In our current global crisis, we may put our hope in our leaders, medical experts, the latest experimental coronavirus treatment, or our personal approach to keeping ourselves safe. I know when I see the uncertainty around me, I’m tempted to look to these for comfort, peace, and reassurance.
If our marriage is failing, we might place our hope in couples counseling or a strategy for changing our spouse. If we are struggling financially, we might place our hope in working overtime toward a promotion at work. If we are stressed about the political climate and the direction of our country, we may place our hope in getting our candidate into office.
Wise choices, godly counsel, diligence, knowledgeable experts, sound leadership . . . none of these things are bad. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing these things. But they shouldn’t be our source of abiding hope, because the hope they give will be short-lived. They won’t satisfy our deepest fears and doubts regarding our struggles.
The only hope that will truly satisfy is our hope in the Lord.
“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5)
A few months ago, we looked at this verse and how it teaches us to wait on the Lord. This verse also promises us that as we wait on Him, we will receive a hope that cannot be shaken. The hope that He gives can’t be washed away by a new development in the pandemic or a positive COVID-19 test.
Through every storm, this truth remains: The Lord is our rock and our salvation, the fortress where we can seek shelter, and our unshakeable hope.
No matter what we face this week, the Lord is our only source of unshakeable hope.
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