When my daughter was two and a half years old, she experienced the best day she’d ever had.
She didn’t understand why I dressed her in butterfly wings and a bright, fluffy tutu. But her older brothers were wearing weird stuff, too, so she didn’t complain. I handed her a bucket and told her to walk up to our neighbors’ house and ring the doorbell. She timidly followed her brothers to the door.
And then the craziest thing happened. A woman opened the door and gave her candy for no reason at all!
A couple hours later, my little girl sat at our kitchen table with her candy collection spread in front of her. She was enjoying a lollipop and eyeing the rest of her stash when I told her it was time for bed. She looked at me, looked at the abundance before her, and replied, “I need to finish my snack.”
My daughter still loves candy, and Halloween is one of her favorite holidays. But I don’t want her to find her greatest joy in the treats of this world. I want her to know the One who gives life, joy, and pleasures that will never fade or run out. My prayer for her is that she always will wholeheartedly declare with the psalmist:
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)
The Lord has shown you the path of life: His Son, Jesus Christ. Only in His presence will you find true joy that satisfies your weary soul. And one day those who have been redeemed will see Him face-to-face and enjoy pleasures forevermore with Him.
Are you chasing after pleasures that don’t satisfy you? Are you struggling to find joy in difficult or stressful circumstances? Is this life disappointing you with its hardship and heartache? We don’t have to settle for the hollow promises and fleeting pleasures of this world. Instead, we can stand on the better promises of our Savior.
No matter what you face this week, Jesus promises you life, joy, and pleasures forevermore.
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