My middle child loves archery. As he’s spent hours in the backyard and started to compete, I’ve been learning a lot about the sport.
I’ve learned the point values for the different rings on the target, why the tops of his tennis shoes keep wearing out (“bows on toes!”), and the surprising number of factors that need to be just right to get the arrow to the bullseye. When my son lines up his bow, pulls his arm back, and sends the arrow toward the target, he’s counting on the target staying in place. If he took his bow and arrow out hunting, he would find that shooting at a moving target is a completely different skill!
In Psalm 71, we see that God is more like the target in my backyard than the deer running in the forest. He’s an unchanging Rock. We don’t have to wonder if He will be with us in times of trial. We don’t have to question if He will be faithful to us this week. We don’t have to cross our fingers and hope we haven’t sinned beyond His willingness to forgive us. His character never changes, so He is a safe refuge and a sure anchor for our faith.
“Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come; you have given the command to save me, for you are my rock and fortress” (Psalm 71:3)
Because God is our rock of refuge, we can continually run to Him and know that He will be the same refuge we’ve known in the past. Because God has saved us through the finished work of Christ, we don’t have to wonder if He will forgive us again this time. Because God is as solid as a fortress, we can trust Him to keep His unchanging promises despite our changing circumstances.
No matter what you face this week, God is your rock of refuge.
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