When we talk about hope, we often refer to something that may or may not happen. We hope it doesn’t rain on our family picnic. We hope our husband remembers our anniversary. We hope to lose five pounds.
But when the Bible talks about hope, it refers to a sure thing. A rock-solid guarantee. An anchor for our souls.
Last week’s verses showed us how our suffering produces hope. Romans 5:5 goes on to say that this hope does not put us to shame. This is an important aspect of hope, because the certainty of it allows us to endure suffering with joy and peace.
“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)
Wishes and dreams can’t anchor a hurting soul. Only the true and certain hope of the Lord can serve as our sure foundation in the storm. I love how Dr. R.C. Sproul described this truth: “Hope is not taking a deep breath and hoping things are going to turn out all right. It is assurance that God is going to do what He says He will do.”
Paul says this assurance results from God’s love being poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Elsewhere, Paul teaches that the Holy Spirit is like a guarantee of our eternal inheritance as we wait for it (Ephesians 1:13-14) The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives gives us more and more confidence in the hope we have in Christ.
We don’t have to cross our fingers and hope God’s love doesn’t turn out to be a sham. We know. We have hope because the God who always keeps His promises said that one day, He will make all things new. This hope will never put us to shame.
Whatever you face this week, your hope in the Lord will not put you to shame.
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