A few years ago, I lost something of great value. My laptop crashed and was beyond repair. I lost several documents, most of which could be reconstructed. But I was devastated to learn I’d lost a year’s worth of photos and videos. They were irreplaceable, and they were gone.
The local repair shop couldn’t salvage anything. Then we learned of a company that would be likely to get many of the photos off the damaged hard drive. But it was expensive. When I told my husband the cost, he said: “There’s no price we can put on those photos. Do it.” Thankfully, the data retrieval company returned almost all of my priceless memories.
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him.” (Philippians 3:8-9a)
The apostle Paul, author of these verses, gave up everything to follow Christ: his reputation, his standing in the Jewish community, his pedigree of law-keeping and service, his safety, and his freedom. Why would he make such a costly sacrifice? Because Paul knew no reputation, no position, no comfort, no riches would be a precious as His Savior. The worth of knowing Christ surpasses anything else this world can offer.
Photos are precious to me, and I grieved when I thought I’d lost them. However, knowing Christ is more valuable than my most priceless possession. More valuable than my home, my health, my freedom, or even my family. The treasure of knowing Christ is freely given and cannot be taken away. When we suffer loss or hardship, we can cling to the treasure that can’t be taken from us—the surpassing worth of knowing our Lord and Savior.
No matter what you face this week, remember nothing compares to the worth of knowing Jesus Christ.
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