When I was a teenager, an exciting new restaurant opened in my small hometown: we finally had a Chili’s! The best part about Chili’s wasn’t the thin, crunchy tortilla chips or the indulgently breaded chicken strips with salty fries. Chili’s most amazing feature was something I’d never seen before—unlimited soft drinks.
Before my Dr. Pepper could empty all the way, the server would swap it for a full glass. And this endless supply of Dr. Pepper would continue throughout the meal. I wondered how they could stay in business, handing out glass after glass of Dr. Pepper like that!
David lived a few thousand years before Chili’s and their unlimited Dr. Pepper, but he had a Shepherd who led him in green pastures, through the valley of the shadow of death, to an even better table overflowing with good gifts.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5)
Even though David is still in the presence of his enemies, God provides a refuge filled with refreshment. With the Shepherd’s protection and provision, David sits to eat in a lavish setting. Expensive oil anoints his head; his cup is filled to overflowing. God’s precious sheep lacks nothing.
I don’t know about you, but I’m struggling right now. I feel empty inside—I’m running out of fun ideas at home, weary of trying to put a happy spin on months of disappointing cancellations, and desperate for the refreshment that comes from face-to-face fellowship with loved ones. My cup doesn’t feel like it’s overflowing today.
And yet, Psalm 23:5 is still true. Can we see the table spread before us? God’s good gifts may not be exactly what we want, but He will always provide what we need: His grace, mercy, forgiveness, presence with you, care for us, unparalleled comfort, unexplainable peace, and unending faithfulness.
Our Shepherd invites us to take a seat and feast on His lavish goodness to us. Feel the oil on your head that reminds you that you are precious to Him. See your cup overflow with good, spilling over onto the table as you reach for it, reminding you that God’s provision is more than you need.
No matter what you face this week, your cup overflows with God’s good gifts.
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