One thing I love about the Lord is that we can always rely on Him to give us exactly what we need to endure any circumstance. When I had cancer, He showered me with His grace like never before, always giving me the grace and peace required by my exceptionally painful and difficult circumstances. I started calling this provision “cancer manna.”
Just like the manna that God sent to the Israelites in the wilderness (see Exodus 16), cancer manna–or challenging-child manna or difficult-marriage manna or *insert-trial-here* manna–is just what you need for that day. No more. No less. It doesn’t make your circumstances less painful–just as I’m sure that wilderness was hot and tiring and seemed to never end. But God’s perfect manna sustains you and meets your every need as you walk through your personal wilderness.
I have been cancer-free since July 20, 2011. I praise God daily for this physical healing. But the spiritual and emotional challenges that come with cancer survivorship and the possibility of recurrence can be overwhelming. My quarterly trips to Houston for check-ups are especially anxiety-inducing. And once again, that time is quickly approaching.
I’ve realized that these pre-check-up weeks are so difficult because in my mind, I have cancer. I’m imagining the words coming out the doctor’s mouth, trying to figure out what we would do and how it would all work out . . . wow, it is really stressful to have imaginary cancer! I need some of that cancer manna from before . . . oh, wait . . . God isn’t giving me cancer manna. Because the truth is: 1. I don’t have cancer. 2. Living as though you have cancer when you’re not receiving the Lord’s cancer manna is stressful and exhausting. And 3. if someday I have cancer again, the Lord will immediately pour out that cancer manna and meet each and every one of our needs. He is good, and He is faithful. He knows the exact date and time when I will need cancer manna again (if ever). And in the meantime, He is giving the perfect manna for my daily situations . . . not the hypotheticals, not other people’s problems I’m trying to solve, but the work He has given to ME for TODAY.
God is good, and He is faithful in all things.
John 6:48-51 (Jesus speaking):
“I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
You told me this at the women’s retreat…a shortened version but the heart of it was the same….He provides for what we are facing, for today, not for the scary things our brains and hearts can dream up for the future (and even still if our scariest imaginings come true…he will provide peace, manna, for that moment). I haven’t forgotten and will never forget this. Cancer in my own body is not something I have ever dealt with but with so much of it in my family…it is at the tippy top of my fear list. God has used you to bring peace when it takes all my strength not to fearfully and irrationally force my way into a CAT scan or whatever it is that would check my whole body for cancer!! And I can’t tell you how many people I’ve shared your words with.
This is good friend. Thanks for not keeping this wisdom to yourself…