Ok, not really. I think it was almost 90 degrees today. But in my head, it’s beginning to look like Christmas. And at Hobby Lobby, which I used to find annoying. But not since I discovered the greatest idea since Kid Cuisine frozen meals . . . finishing Christmas preparations by December 1!
Last year I tried my new December 1 strategy for the first time, and it was such a blessing to me and my family. I was so much less stressed and able to enjoy celebrating the birth of my Savior. So I’m planning to do it again and would like to invite you, dear reader, to join me.
Here’s my plan:
By October 1: I’m going to request Christmas wish lists from family members. They might shoot me. But I’ll play nice and supply our family wish lists at the time I make the request.
Mid-October: I’ll start Christmas shopping, relying heavily on Amazon.com and any other online merchant who would like to supply me with a free-shipping coupon code. (No lines, no gasoline, and no time spent during precious mother’s day out hours!) While shopping, I’ll pick up any clothing items needed to take the Most Adorable Christmas Card Photo Ever.
Late-October: I’ll take the Most Adorable Christmas Card Photo Ever. Given past experiences, this will take me approximately 4 days. When not yelling, “Smile! Look like you love each other!” I’ll bake some things and stick them in the freezer for holiday parties in December.
Early November: I’ll order Christmas cards and envelopes, write the Christmas letter, buy stamps, and check the accuracy of the Christmas card mailing list. I also hope to be close to finished with shopping and will start wrapping gifts.
Mid-November: Wrapping will be in full swing, shopping should be finished.
Late November: Address and stuff Christmas cards, finish wrapping, decorate the house. Eat some turkey and watch some football.
The Monday after Thanksgiving, I will mail our Christmas cards and annoy all my friends who haven’t even started thinking about such things. I will feel slightly guilty about that, but I will try to remember that I’m not doing this for my pride, I’m doing this so I can enjoy the Advent season with my family.
December: As I learned last year, December will still be busy. There will be school parties, work parties, crafts, baking, cleaning . . . but most of all, I hope Christ will be exalted and worshipped in my home!
That’s my plan. Who’s with me? You can come to my blog and click on the “Christmas by Dec. 1” tab at the top if you’d like to ignore all my posts about Radical and prayer binders and just focus on getting ready for Christmas. I’d love to have you on this adventure with me!
Anndee says
I’m so glad you posted this. What a great reminder. I was inspired by your post last year and it’s on my calendar to finish my Christmas preparations by December 1. I wanted to tell you that Amazon has a promotion right now called Amazon Mom. It’s free to sign up and you get three months of FREE Amazon Prime 2-Day shipping. Yup, Free! I’ve already had my first Christmas present ordered and delivered extra-speedily. I thought you’d like to know.
Merry Christmas Preparations!
Catherine says
Love this idea! I am inspired to give it a try!
Lynette says
I’m with you, friend. 🙂 October is nearly here! I can’t believe it.
Julie says
I’m gonna do it Marissa! I was just setting up a new blog last week and looked at yours at that time and was reminded of this idea. I’ve got my time line on my blog at http://jrcraigphotography.wordpress.com/christmas-by-dec-1/. Did you find a great treat to freeze ahead of time?
Nancy Speas Hill says
Love this idea! I just signed up for Amazon Mom today and got diapers for 30% off with free shipping! And just so you know, from now until Christmas, Itty Bitty Books is happy to give free shipping on any order over $50 – just e-mail me your selections! 🙂
Jacqui says
Oh, last week I was beginning to worry; how can I focus on the birth of Jesus amidst the traffic and commotion that is this world and the ‘silly season’?
I have enjoyed reading your ideas. I think however, I need to get things clear in my head and know which direction I am heading in and which areas I will place emphasis on.
Thankyou for your point of view and I look forward to reading more of your Christ focused thoughts.
Missy says
Had already printed out the old post (need it in front of me to remind me) and have begun calling the far away fam to ask about ideas and sizes. I am excited as I look forward to enjoying and celebrating Christmas with my family without late nights and last minute gift hunting and wrapping (except the little funny stuff!). Thanks for the reminder!