If you’ve ever been a part of a bridal party, girls’ weekend, or a family with lots of girls, you probably know that too many hair dryers and curling irons at work in one bathroom is going to blow the fuse. I’m not an electrician, but I understand that the electrical wiring in my home can only handle so much. When the demand for power grows beyond what the circuit can supply, it shuts down.
Maybe you feel like a blown fuse today. The demands of your week are too much, and you’re ready to shut down. There’s hope and encouragement in the words of Ephesians 1. In this passage, Paul is sharing his prayer for the church in Ephesus and a list of things he wants them to know with confidence. One of his prayers for them is that they know the immeasurable power of God:
“ . . . That you may know . . . what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:18-20).
God’s power isn’t just great—it’s immeasurably great. His power has no limits, no restrictions, and no end. There’s nothing His power can’t handle.
God put this great power on display when He raised His Son from the dead. Not even death can stop His power. Nothing in all creation is more powerful than our great God.
And Paul says this same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead is “toward us who believe.” In our heavenly Father, we have a power source that surpasses all we could ever need.
If you feel weak, weary, or worn out today, remember this: no matter what you face this week, God’s great power is at work in you.
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