Today I’m sharing in the First 5 app as we continue in our latest study, 40 Days Through the Bible. Here’s a preview . . .
Today’s Reading: Exodus 20
Exodus 20:1 (ESV) “And God spoke all these words, saying…”
When my grandmother was a newlywed, she was afraid to spend money. She grew up during the Great Depression, and she and my grandfather were on a tight budget when he was in seminary after serving in World War II. She was afraid that any time she spent money, she was driving them to financial disaster.
Then my grandfather helped her with a budget. You’d think that having a limit would feel imposing and restrictive, but it had the opposite effect. My grandmother’s anxiety lessened as she shopped for their household needs. She trusted her husband’s wisdom in planning a budget that would protect their financial health. She was free to spend money within the limits she’d been given.
When God gave us the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, He gave us limits for our good. His law brings clarity regarding how to live in right relationship with Him and others.
In Exodus 19:4-5, right before God met with the people at Mt. Sinai, He told Moses to remind the people of who He is and what He has done. He rescued His people and brought them to Himself. He made a covenant with them as His treasured possession. Then God spoke and gave them commandments rooted in His character and His deliverance.
To read the rest of the teaching, head over to First 5. I hope you’ll consider downloading the app and joining us for the rest of this study!
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