Her dark brown eyes stared up at me from her bed, just above the bright floral comforter pulled up to her chin. She tried to sound casual as she asked her pressing bedtime questions: “Mom, which one of us do you love the most? Do you love Will more than me?”
I tell my daughter I love her and prove it with my actions every day. And yet, when she watched me stop to comfort her hurting brother on my way to tuck her in, my daughter began to doubt my love for her. She questioned a basic truth that has been proven to her every day for her entire life.
Her doubts sound a little too familiar.
My heavenly Father has proven His love for me every day of my life. But when God delays in giving me something I think I need, I start to doubt. I question His timing, His provision, even His goodness. And the undercurrent of these doubts is this: “Does God still love me?”
We might not say it out loud, but as we look at our struggles, we wonder: “Does God still love me?” We cried out to Him for healing, peace, deliverance, or strength, but it feels like He’s stopped in the hallway to care for someone else.
And yet we see in Isaiah that God never forgets His children:
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” (Isaiah 49:15–16)
God has not forgotten you, His beloved child. He has engraved your name on His hands. Our Savior stretched out those hands on the cross and felt the nails drive through them to demonstrate the extent of His unfailing love for us (Rom. 5:8).
When it seems like God is letting us down—when we don’t understand why He hasn’t swooped in and saved the day—let’s cling to the truth. We can have confidence in His unfailing kindness and love. His love for us is everlasting (Jer. 31:3).
No matter what you face this week, your loving heavenly Father has not forgotten you, and He never will.
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