Ten years ago, I was spending most of my time in Houston. Over and over again, I left my husband and three young kids to travel to MD Anderson Cancer Center and receive chemotherapy and injections through a clinical trial. I never expected to “winter in Houston,” as I jokingly called it. But when a cancer diagnosis means you might not live long enough for your toddler to remember you, you do whatever it takes to live.
My story is just one example of how much we love life. We wear seat belts. We take vitamins. We turn our society upside down to attempt to minimize the impact of a deadly virus. When our life is threatened, do anything we can to survive.
And yet, Psalm 63 teaches us that there’s something even better than life: the steadfast love of God.
“Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.” (Psalm 63:3-4)
As we continue our study of Psalm 63, we find one of the reasons that David’s soul thirsts for the Lord—because His love is even better than life itself. Better than life?! I don’t think David is using hyperbole here, and his choice of words makes me wonder if I fully grasp the magnitude of God’s steadfast love.
The Hebrew word translated here as “steadfast love” carries a connotation of loyalty and faithfulness. God’s steadfast love involves His commitment to keep all His covenant promises to His people. He promised to be with us. He promised to be our Deliverer. He sent His Son to make a new covenant with us and shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins. God’s love for His children isn’t just an emotion—it’s a commitment to us and to our salvation in Christ.
So whatever you’re struggling with today, even if your very life is threatened, you can praise God for His steadfast love. And if you’re enjoying the good gifts God has given you in this life, keep this perspective in mind—God’s given you something even better. His steadfast love and promises will never fail.
No matter what you face this week, God’s steadfast love is better than anything—even better than life itself.
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