It’s the question every stay-at-home mom dreads: “What did you do all day?”
When I stayed home with my littles, I never knew how to answer this question. I had been busy all day, but I had nothing to show for it. I changed diapers that were soon dirty again. I put the blocks back in the bin so my son could dump them back out. I fixed food, fed the little people (further contributing to the diaper situation mentioned above), cleaned up the kitchen, and started the entire process over a few hours later. I knew to an outsider (or to my husband when he came home from work), it would look like I’d done nothing all day.
Do you ever wonder what God’s been up to? Days, weeks, months go by, and you’re still hurting. Your problems haven’t been solved. Your relationship is still broken, your disease hasn’t been healed, your pain seems ever-present. You feel like asking God, “What did you do all day?!”
When we don’t understand what God’s doing, let’s remember these beautiful words from Psalm 33:
“For the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.” (Ps. 33:4)
The first part of the verse tells us that God’s Word is right. He cannot lie. His Word is good and perfect and true.
Then we read that all God’s work is done in faithfulness. (I wish I could say the same about my own work!) His work always reflects the promises of His good, perfect, and true Word.
God’s faithfulness is His complete, unfailing, forever commitment to keep every one of His promises. As He works in our world and in every moment of our lives, His work always puts His faithfulness on display.
We may not understand what God’s doing, but we do know this: In all that He does, He is faithful.
No matter what you face this week, all God’s work is done in faithfulness.
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