I have a confession to make: March Madness games make me cry. Seeing those kids win a big game, knowing it is one of the most exciting moments of their young lives . . . I can be watching a team I don’t even care about, made up of people I don’t know and will never meet, and seeing their joy in WINNING will bring tears to my eyes.
We all love to win, don’t we? My middle child always cheers for the team that’s winning, even if (gasp!) it’s the team playing our beloved Razorbacks. He loves to win.
This morning, I was singing my favorite Easter hymn to my daughter and explaining the words to her. And I was reminded of the biggest WIN the world has ever seen. Final Four games have nothing on this victory and the joy it brings!
Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o’er His foes . . .
- When Jesus rose from the grave, He won big-time over Satan, over death, over sin, over sickness, over sadness, over pain!
He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign . . .
- Jesus wins, and if you are in Christ, you win, too!
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose!
The message of Easter morning is this: Jesus wins. Because Christ is risen, we can have joy and hope in a world that seems to be falling apart. It looks like we are losing. It feels like we are losing. Our hearts break when we encounter pain, sadness, sickness, grief and death.
But the truth is, Christ has won. It is finished! And in Christ, we are more than conquerors – we win, too! We WIN because Christ has WON. And someday the victorious Christ will wipe away every sad tear from our eyes.
Here’s my daughter singing our favorite Easter hymn three years ago. I pray the truth of these words takes deep root in her heart as she learns all that Jesus has won for her. Happy Easter, friends. Christ is risen!