This is a little embarrassing to admit in my mid-40s, but I’m scared of the dark. I remember as a little girl, I’d sprint down the hallway to my bedroom if the house was dark . . . I didn’t know what might be lurking there, but surely if I was quick, it wouldn’t get me! Even now, if I’m home alone at night, I’ll hear all kind of noises that aren’t usually there, and I sometimes even turn on a light just to make sure there aren’t any monsters hiding in the dark.
For the past few weeks, we’ve been walking through the chorus of the hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” When we’re afraid, turning on the light shows us reality. In a similar way, turning to the Light of the world, Jesus Christ, shows us the reality of His glory and grace in a dark and frightening world.
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” (John 8:12)
As those who follow Jesus, we don’t walk in darkness. When Jesus shines the light of His glory and grace on the darkness of this world, we look beyond the shadows of this fallen world and see the reality of God’s salvation, victory, and deliverance.
We may feel like a failure, but we can look at Jesus’s cross and see the Savior who died for the forgiveness of our sins. We may feel like our situation is hopeless, but we can look at Jesus’s empty tomb and know He has given us hope by conquering every enemy. We may grieve now in a world that feels filled with darkness, but we can look at the ascended Jesus and know He’s gone to prepare a place for us in our heavenly, eternal home.
Let the light of Jesus’s glory and grace shine on your circumstances today and see that this is your reality: Forgiveness. Hope. Peace. Eternity in Heaven.
No matter what you face this week, walk in the light of His glory and grace.