I try not to be a mom who stares at her phone all day. But I remember a time, a few years ago, when my young daughter was trying to tell me something, and I was engrossed in my phone. She gently put her hands on my cheeks, lifted my eyes to look into her eyes, and then started speaking to me.
She needed to be heard.
That’s one interesting aspect of our current social media age. Anyone can get their message out there. We are all clamoring to be heard. We can instantly tell hundreds of people about our joy, our heartbreak, or our great new purchase at Kohl’s.
But is anyone really listening?
Micah 7:7 tells us that there is One who hears us: “But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”
The God of our salvation hears us. The Lord who has the power to rescue us, our Heavenly Father who cares for us, the God who proved His love by saving us . . . He hears our cries. Psalm 34:6 says, “This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.”
Do you need to be heard? Are you feeling discouraged by your troubles and feel that no one understands? Cry out to the Lord. He will hear you.
No matter what, your God will hear you when you cry out to Him.
{ Graphic hand-lettered by Amanda J Calligraphy }