I’m slowly emerging from the first-trimester fog and hope to be back to blogging soon. In the meantime, I want to tell everyone about a new cd from Seeds Music–“The Power of Encouragement.”
I was fortunate enough to get this cd a while ago, and my kids LOVE it. Their favorite songs are “Take Heart” and “Go.” My favorite is “A Servant to All,” which talks about anyone who wants to be first being last. One day after we’d been listening to this cd, Christopher decided to give up his turn to choose what video to watch and quoted the verse! I have to admit, this has only happened once, but it made my day! This cd is upbeat and the Bible verses are terrific ones for both me and the kids to commit to memory. I highly recommend it! We also have the Faith and Praise cds, and they are excellent as well. Click here to see a previous post I wrote about these great cds.