At my son’s 4-year-old checkup, the pediatrician asked if he had any chores. He replied that he didn’t have any chores, but he had a job and a problem. That got the attention of all of us in the room! He explained that his job was to keep his baby sister awake in the car. (Yep!) His problem was that his grandpa had offered him some pickled beets, and they smelled sour.
In the mind of a 4-year-old boy, stinky vegetables are a serious problem.
We often think our greatest problems are the circumstances we can’t control, the behavior of those around us, our inability to reach our goals, or this fallen world we live in. But God’s Word tells us our most serious problem is our sin. This problem is universal (Romans 3:23), and it ranks at the top of the Problem List because our sin separates us from our holy God.
If your greatest problem is your troubled childhood, your boss, or your spouse, then your ultimate solution is a therapist, a polished resume, or a campaign to change your spouse’s habits.
If your greatest problem is your sin, you need a Savior.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24)
Your sin was nailed to the cross with Jesus. He was sinless, but He took the punishment your sin deserved. He dressed you in His sinlessness—His righteousness. When you stand before a holy God, you stand dressed in the perfect record of Christ. By His wounds, you have been healed of your greatest problem—you have been set free from the curse of your own sin.
No matter what you face this week, you have been rescued from your greatest problem by Christ’s death on the cross.