I sometimes wonder if squirrels come to our yard just to torment our dog, Samson. They run up and down the tree next to the windows while Samson goes absolutely bonkers on the other side of the glass. If we open the back door to let him out, he runs at top speed directly for the squirrels, who always scamper up a tree and out of reach. Despite his lack of success, he is always consumed by his pursuit.
In Psalm 23 we learn that as God’s beloved sheep, we lack nothing we need as we enjoy quiet waters and green pastures of refreshment. We are not alone as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Our cup overflows with the provision of our Shepherd. And in this final verse of the psalm, we see how God’s good gifts continue to pursue us now and through all our days.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6)
The Hebrew word for “follow” could also be translated as pursue or chase. God’s goodness and mercy don’t amble behind us like a child who’s been sent to his room. They relentlessly pursue us and never let us out of their sight. We did nothing to earn them—they are a gift of God’s grace—and they can’t be taken away. These amazing gifts of goodness and mercy will follow us all the way to our eternal home, where we will dwell with the Lord forever.
When it feels like God’s goodness can’t keep up with the troubles we face . . .
When we wonder if we’ve out-sinned the riches of His mercy . . .
When we feel alone and discouraged and we can’t see evidence of His presence with us . . .
Let’s take comfort in this truth: God’s goodness and mercy are following us all the days of our lives. He is with us now, and He sent His Son so that we can be with Him forever.
No matter what you face this week, God’s goodness and mercy are yours forever.
I loved and needed this devo today! You write beautifully and opened the Word up to me!
Just curious. Are you by any chance related to Ralph and Karyn Henley in Nashville? I’ve done some studio work for them.
Have a blessed day.
Hi Tess, I’m so encouraged to hear that this was helpful to you today! And I don’t think I’m related, but Henley is my married name, so my husband’s family may have relatives in Nashville that I don’t know about. 🙂