Have you ever been stuck in traffic in a big city? When I’m sitting in several lanes of gridlock, watching several more lanes of gridlock on the other side, I’m struck by how many people there are in the world. Who are all these people, and why are they trying to get somewhere at the same time I am?! If there are this many people in one spot of highway in one city, what must that mean about how many people are on this globe?
It makes me feel so small—I’m one of 7 billion people on earth. And this planet is just one tiny speck in all of God’s creation. According to Space.com, the Milky Way alone contains over 200 billion stars—and we are one of the smaller galaxies!
Simply put, the size of God’s creation is beyond comprehension. I’m one of 7 billion on one of several planets circling one of 200 billion stars in one of only-God-knows-how-many galaxies in the universe.
And yet, God cares for me.
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:3-4)
Your Heavenly Father placed each one of those stars not just in the Milky Way, but in the entire universe. He knows each one and sustains them by His power.
He not only knows every star, He also knows you. He knows your schedule, your to-do list, your worries, your struggles, your tears. He knows your past, your present, and your future. He cares for you and will never let you go.
When you feel overwhelmed by your calendar, God cares for you. When you wonder if your sorrow will ever end, God cares for you. When you feel small and insignificant in a big, noisy world, God cares for you.
No matter what you face this week, the One who placed all the stars in the heavens cares for you.
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