I thought I’d write a bit about my goals for 2010. Because it’s February, and everyone knows that February is the time when you let everyone know how you’ve already failed at keeping the goals you wrote down in January. (Even worse, I found a post I wrote in January 2008 (yes, ’08) about my goals for that year, and they are pretty much the same as my goals for this year. Gulp.)
I recently read a book on organization by a Christian woman named Donna Otto. The title was compelling–Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time–and I found many helpful tips inside. In the book, she urges women to write down their goals, which we’ve all heard before. But she also urges women to look at their goals regularly after writing them down. I’ve taken the first step, and I plan to put the goals inside the cover of my prayer notebook, which hopefully I’ll be opening daily (one of my goals). So this will either go really well or really badly.
Otto suggests 8 areas to help you brainstorm your goals: intellectual, physical, emotional, financial, social, spiritual, family and career. Here are some of the goals I wrote down in these areas:
Intellectual–finish 3 non-fiction books (I’ve finished 2 already!)
Physical–exercise 3 times a week
Emotional–display the fruits of the Spirit to Noel and the kids (And apparently, yelling and grumpiness are not fruits of the Spirit.)
Financial–save money in areas of our budget where Noel asks me to do so
Social–have someone over for dinner once a month
Spiritual–spend time daily in God’s Word and develop a more disciplined prayer life
Family–spend time every week working with Will on pre-reading skills
Career–I don’t have one, but in this area, I’ve set the goal of writing a post on this blog every week. Obviously, this isn’t happening yet!
Other–scrapbook at least one year’s worth of photos, start Sarah Kate’s baby book
Other than reading books to myself and to Will, none of these goals are going too well. I’m hoping that by making them public to the 8 people who read this blog (hi, Mom!), it will provide some accountability and motivation. I do feel like these are all areas in which I should be growing and progressing. I don’t want to look back at this post in 2012 and be struggling with the same issues. I want to look back on 2010 as the year that I developed a vibrant prayer life, learned huge lessons from God’s Word, applied them to my life, shared them with others, and served my family with joy. (And if I happened to lose 5-8 pounds and finish a scrapbook along the way, that would be a bonus!)
Happy new year to you. I enjoyed reading your post. I thought your closing comment was good and that put in that way, achievable. There are only 24 hours in a day, and hopefully we are asleep for a large part of that day. I have broken my projects/hopes into small, medium and large. Thankfully I only have 2 projects in my large column: finishing a quilt (which won’t happen this year) and my children’s baby books.
When stretched for time, remember the gift of joy, that God wanted us to be joyful in our service to him and in our lives. If that is not possible, perhaps that ‘project’ can wait a little while.
I love that something like reading with your son, will achieve many things at once.