I’ve had some stressful driving experiences, but nothing comes close to the time I was lost in Brooklyn, New York, during rush hour on a Friday afternoon. I took the exit into Brooklyn and needed to cross several lanes in a short distance to make a left turn and stay on my predetermined route. (This was in ancient times, before GPS and phones with map apps!)
But it was New York, not Arkansas. Not even the driver with a front license plate identifying him as a priest would let me pull in front of him. I didn’t make it to the left turn lane, and I was lost. My surroundings terrified me, and I didn’t know how to find my way to safety. All I had was a paper map, panicked tears, and desperate prayers.
Sometimes life feels similar to those jam-packed streets of Brooklyn. We’re confused and overwhelmed as we struggle to find our way. But Psalm 46 tells us we have a refuge in times of fear:
“‘Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!’ The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:10-11)
When I hear the words “be still,” I’m reminded of the relief that washed over me as I parked in front of my friend’s Brooklyn apartment. Her knowledge of the city protected me from panic and fear as I blissfully followed her around the city for the weekend.
When life feels chaotic and confusing, I can be still. I know the One who knows all things. He is God—I am not. He is with me, and He is my fortress. He will be exalted as the One who rules and reigns over all things.
Peace comes when we feel safe and protected. With God as our ever-present fortress, we can stop panicking and be still. He is exalted above any enemy that threatens us. We can rest in His presence, protection, and peace.
No matter what you face this week, you can be still and because God is with you.
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