I thought I should check in with my Christmas-By-December-1 friends . . . how’s everybody doing? We went on vacation for a week before Thanksgiving, so I’ve had to cut myself just a little slack this year. I have a couple of loose ends to tie up, but for the most part, all my gifts are purchased and wrapped, and one has even been gifted. (You know who you are, waffle girl.) I’m tracking down a few more addresses, but the bulk of the cards are in the mail. My house is decorated, which is extra special because my sweet friends decorated for me last year when I was receiving chemo–and that was so great of them, but this year unpacking all those boxes myself made me smile. 🙂 Plus, I made these red sparkly letters to put on my mantle (inspired by Pintrest), and I love them.
I have no Christmas cookies stocked in my freezer and no plans to do a ton of baking this year. (Sorry, people, we went to Disney World instead. It was worth it. But you’re not getting little tins of baked goods from me this year.) But my kids and I are three chapters into “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” and seeing Will’s reactions to hearing about the Herdmans for the first time makes me even happier than decorating my own house.
If you have made the effort to get most or all of your Christmas preparations finished, what are your plans for December? I have made a list (thanks again, Pintrest) of all the things I’d like to do with my kids. I made this frame look festive and wrote the list in dry erase marker on the glass:
Most of these things will probably happen in the week after school gets out. But we’ve already started memorizing Luke 2, and we snuggled under blankets by the tree tonight to read about Imogene Herdman finding out what everyone weighed in the health office.
What are you all doing to make Christmas special this year? After all, the purpose of getting our preparations done early isn’t to sit back feel prideful about it. The purpose is to focus on the birth of Christ and celebrate with our families in a way that honors our Savior. I’d love to hear your ideas!
P.S. For any of my blog readers who aren’t on facebook, I had my scans last week and got a great report. Praise the Lord!
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